BREAKING NEWS – Earlier ‘Bomb Scare’ Caused by ‘Training Device’

A brave reporter from Bullshire Online has just read on The Twitters that the earlier ‘Bomb Scare’ at Bullshire Athletic’s stadium was sparked following the discovery of a ‘Training Device’.

According to our source (The Twitters) the ‘Training Device’ was one of the computers used by Bullshire Police for their ‘Computer Based Training’.

We’re led to believe that instead of actually properly training Police Officers and Police Staff, Bullshire Police force them to carry out ridiculously childish yet probably very expensive ‘Computer Based Training’ packages instead of teaching them the old fashioned way.

Bullshire Police appear to be indicating that they still use Commodore 64 computers for their ‘Computer Based Training’.

Were YOU at the Bullshire Athletic stadium earlier today?  Would YOU like to contact us instead of us venturing outside and actually doing our jobs and interviewing people at the scene?  Feel free to contact us.